To beautiful to be inside . . . Looking forward to watching some soccer this afternoon.
Questions every church member …
TwitterQuestions every church member should ask Dealing With Disappointment in the Church (3)
4 religion all men R equal, as…
Twitter4 religion all men R equal, as all pennies R equal, b/c the only value in any of them is that they bear the image of the king. -Chesterton
Enjoying some high school socc…
TwitterEnjoying some high school soccer.
I believe it to be a grave mis…
TwitterI believe it to be a grave mistake to present Christianity as something charming and popular with no offense in it. -Dorothy Sayers
At its core, holy is almost an…
TwitterAt its core, holy is almost an adjective corresponding to the noun God. God is God; God is holy. He is unique; there is no other -D.A.Carson
Questions every church leader …
TwitterQuestions every church leader needs to ask Dealing With Disappointment in the Church
How to Become a Legalist http:…
TwitterHow to Become a Legalist /via @PastorMark
About time for another Wednesd…
TwitterAbout time for another Wednesday night…enjoy them but Wednesdays are long days.
The wisdom of the world vs. th…
TwitterThe wisdom of the world vs. the wisdom of God True Wisdom