A World Without Jobs


article from Andy Crouch: A World Without Jobs: The gospel of a secular age

Steve Jobs’s gospel is, in the end, a set of beautifully polished empty promises. But I look on my secular neighbors, millions of them, like sheep without a shepherd, who no longer believe in anything they cannot see, and I cannot help feeling compassion for them, and something like fear. When, not if, Steve Jobs departs the stage, will there be anyone left who can convince them to hope?

Worship at the Church of Apple

Life, Theology & The Bible

A couple of days ago ABC News published a story called “Looking for a New Religion? Apple Gives Dose of the Divine.”  While our immediate reaction might be that it is absurd, I think there is a lot of truth in it.  There are many that worship at the Church of Apple.  How many people anxiously awaited their new iPhone 4?  

But this does not just apply to Apple (though they may have more devoted followers than most). I think that our technology can easily and very quickly becomes idols that we worship. Technology is a good thing . . . something created by the image-bearers of the the great Creator as they imitate Him.  What we do with it is the problem.  These items quickly grab the affections of our hearts.  

What grabs the affections of your heart?

HT: GetReligion.org


Photo by Alexander Schaelss (License:  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)