A Sad Day

The Church

I was brought near tears as I watched this video.  I am personally very thankful for Christ Church Savannah.  They were an important part of my college years and helped to financially support me during my seminary days.  It is likely I would not be where I am today had it not been for the encouragement of Christ Church’s Rector, Marc Robertson.  I am also very thankful for Independent Presbyterian Church which so warmly greated them.

The most broken vow of all


-The most broken vow is almost certainly that by which church members submit to the authority and teaching of the elders in the church. It is as solemn and serious as any other vow one might take — marriage, baptism, an oath in court — and yet what does it mean? How many truly think about the implications? How many truly act as if the vow really meant something?

-via Reformation 21 Source