Marriage has a heterosexual problem


Marriage has a heterosexual problem.

When the termites have done their work on the foundations of the home, it doesn’t take much to knock it down. Such is the case of traditional marriage. It does not face a homosexual crisis as much as a heterosexual one.

Don’t place the blame on politics, Hollywood or a beleaguered minority. The problem lies with the vast number of Christians who fill church pews week to week. Their views on the pattern and power for marriage are no different from the surrounding culture. Their reality of failure is also no different.

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We do not know what the apostle Paul says we know


So says Sinclair Ferguson on Romans 6:6. Speaking to a gathering of pastors a couple years ago, Ferguson shared his sentiment that most people who sit before the preached word each week do not know what it means to be united to Jesus. And yet this doctrine is so central in how Paul conceives of what it means to be a Christian and a minister of the gospel. We want to know what it means.

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Today’s Trivial messiahs


Trivial Messiahs – Reformation21 Blog

We live in a world that is pretty easily satisfied in its messiahs these days, do we not?   A gadget man becomes a saviour.  Who would have thought it? Of course, our messiahs are a function of our understanding of the human condition.  Where the problem of the fall is not alienation from God but rather boredom, the messiah is the one who nails that boredom to the cross and casts it as far from us as the East is from the West. Trivial messiahs save a trivial humanity from a trivial problem.

Steve Jobs, the Secular Prophet


Great article

Steve Jobs, the Secular Prophet –

Steve Jobs was extraordinary in countless ways—as a designer, an innovator, a (demanding and occasionally ruthless) leader. But his most singular quality was his ability to articulate a perfectly secular form of hope. Nothing exemplifies that ability more than Apple’s early logo, which slapped a rainbow on the very archetype of human fallenness and failure—the bitten fruit—and turned it into a sign of promise and progress.

Parenting 001 Article by Kevin DeYoung


Parenting 001 ? Kevin DeYoung:

Me: What?s the matter son?

Child: I want that toy and he won?t give it to me!

Me: Why do you want the toy?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: What?s going on in your heart when you desire that toy?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: Think about it son. Use your brain. Don?t you know something?

Child: I guess I just want the toy.

Me: Obviously. But why?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: Fine. [Mental note: abandon “why” questions and skip straight to leading questions.] Do you think he is having fun playing with the toy right now?

Child: No.

Me: Really?! He?s not having fun? Then why does he want that toy in the first place?

Child: Because he?s mean.

Me: Have you ever considered that maybe you are being mean by trying to rip the toy from his quivering little hands?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: What do you know?

Child: I don?t know!

Me: Nevermind. [I wonder how my brilliant child can know absolutely nothing at this moment.] Well, I think taking the toy from him will make your brother sad. Do you like to make him sad?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: [Audible sigh.]

Child: He makes me sad all the time!

Me: Well, I?m getting sad right now with your attitude! [Pause, think, what would Paul Tripp do?? Thinking . . . .thinking . . . .man, I can’t stop thinking of that mustache. This isn’t working. Let’s just go right to the Jesus part.] You know, Jesus wants us to love each other.

Child: I don?t know.

Me: I didn?t ask you a question!

Child: [Pause.] Can I have some fruit snacks?

Me: No, you can?t have fruit snacks. We are talking about the gospel. Jesus loves us and died for us. He wants you to love your brother too.

Child: So?

Me: So give him the toy back!