J. I. Packer (1926–2020)

The Church

J. I. Packer went to be with the Lord on July 17, 2020. He was 93 years old.

Packer was a lifelong Anglican churchman who spent the first half of his life in England and the second half in Canada but who was perhaps most popular in the United States. He is widely recognized as one of the most influential theological popularizers of the twentieth century.
— Read on www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/j-i-packer-1926-2020/

Pray for Missionaries

The Church

In some ways, praying for missionaries is like buying Christmas presents for your distant relatives in Florida. You don’t know what their day-to-day life looks like. You don’t know what they need, what they want, or what would be most meaningful. As a result, we often opt for prayers to bless the missionaries that are rarely more personal or specific than an Amazon gift card sent via email. But we can do better.

Read It All: tracking.feedpress.it/link/10732/13695064

A Sad Day

The Church

I was brought near tears as I watched this video.  I am personally very thankful for Christ Church Savannah.  They were an important part of my college years and helped to financially support me during my seminary days.  It is likely I would not be where I am today had it not been for the encouragement of Christ Church’s Rector, Marc Robertson.  I am also very thankful for Independent Presbyterian Church which so warmly greated them.

Eight Ways to Ruin Accountability

Life, The Church



If you want to find out how, check out the list at The Resurgence.  Here are my favorites:



1. Make your accountability partner drop ten bucks in the jar for that grievous sin.

2. Make your accountability a circle of cheap confession by which you obtain cheap peace for your troubled conscience.

5. Go public with your respectable sins while cherishing your secret sins.

8. Make accountability, not Jesus, central to your group.”

Go check out the rest of the list.