How a 19-year-old actress and a few struggling Web filmmakers took on TV. A Wired exclusive.
This is not a good thing. While we tend in our culture to celebrate reason and careful, deliberative decision making, some psychologists are now arguing that the opposite value sometimes holds.
In “Go Ahead, I Dare You,” Newsweek columnist Wray Herbert presents new scientific research on why teenagers do stupid things.
AXE DEODORANT SET UP THE 888-AXE-ADVICE hotline dedicated to helping guys hook up with hometown honeys on Thanksgiving Eve, which it’s dubbing “Hometown Hump Day” in a new promotion. Dispensing the advice is Estelle Harris, who played George Costanza’s TV
If you’re a parent with teenage kids, you may assume when you drop them off at the movie theater they are there to watch a movie.
One large component of today’s world that’s largely ignored or misunderstood by those of us in ministry is the unique world of our children and teens. Youth culture is the soup they swim in every day.
From dating to cellphones, music to makeup, behavior shifting earlier